Are Dental Implants Complicated?

So, your dentist has told you you need a dental implant, or you might need one in the future. This may sound complicated and overwhelming. And if you’ve had implants placed from a provider that is not ASIRD qualified, you may have even experienced issues. But rest assured, Implants ARE NOT COMPLICATED. With an ASIRD team, they’re simple and sophisticated!
Introducing the ASIRD 1-2-3 procedure:
If your dentist recommends this procedure for you, your ASIRD surgeon will determine if you’re a good candidate. The good news is most teeth can be treated this way. No more grafting and waiting. Less surgery, less discomfort and less confusing! Your ASIRD team will help you realize the benefits of dental implants using the latest techniques.
Following an evaluation that includes a comprehensive examination, radiographs and a consultation with the patient and members of the implant team, your ASIRD surgeon will remove your tooth and place your implant. Patients are surprised to learn that this procedure is often performed in about one hour, and requires only local anesthesia so the patient is awake. You are able to drive to and from your surgical appointment. If you are nervous about the surgery, you may also consider intravenous anesthesia.
In addition to eliminating the confusion and misconceptions about the surgery, your ASIRD team will also make the entire process seamless. Because your dentist and surgeon work together every day for the best results, they have the best communication practices. They’ll take care of scheduling and coordination of your care for you.
If you have a friend or relative who has been recommended a dental implant, feel free to let them know about your ASIRD qualified dentist. You may be able to help them avoid the frustration and issues of longer treatment plans by recommending your ASIRD team!